
Welcome to our blog, a space where ancestral wisdom meets contemporary knowledge. Dive into articles about Reiki, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, qi gong, and much more, designed to nurture mind, body, and spirit.

29 de June de 2024

The Reiki Symbols

Reiki is a Japanese spiritual and therapeutic practice that uses “Qi” energy to promote health and balance. Training to learn Reiki is usually divided into three or four courses, depending…

2 de June de 2024

The benefits of Reiki

The human body, intrinsically, seeks to maintain its balance and health at all times. This balance is maintained through the satisfaction of basic needs, both physical and psychological. When these…

16 de February de 2024

But what is Reiki?

Explaining Reiki always presents challenges, as this Japanese method, rooted in Eastern spiritual traditions, is still not widely known in the West. A common translation of the term Reiki is…