Discovering Zen meditation

Chica practicando meditación zen en casa.
16 de February de 2024

Zen meditation, also known as zazen, is an ancient art rooted in Mahāyāna Buddhism and flourishes through the teachings of Chan Buddhism, originating in China. The word “zen” is the Japanese version of chan, which, in turn, comes from the Sanskrit dhyān, translated as “meditation.”

This path of deep meditation originated in China as a unique synthesis of Taoist and Buddhist influences. Unlike other Buddhist schools that focus on the study of sacred texts, Chan Buddhism emphasizes direct meditation, seeking enlightenment in the present. This perspective evolved over time and transformed into the Zen Buddhism we know today when it reached Japan.

Zazen, the central practice of the Sōtō Zen Buddhist school, has become the essence of Japanese Zen Buddhism. Sitting in meditation, whether in the lotus position or on a chair if necessary, is done in complete silence. Attention is focused on the breath, while thoughts are observed without attachment.

Beyond reducing stress and anxiety, zazen has the power to provide greater mental clarity and an overall sense of well-being. However, its most precious gift is the experience of dissolving the barrier between the self and the universe, generating a profound sense of spiritual belonging.

By immersing oneself in the practice, the limits of individual identity are transcended, and a deep connection with all that exists, from humans to animals, plants, and beyond, is experienced. This connection leads to a sense of peace, wholeness, and compassion for oneself and others. Through Zen meditation, a profound understanding of the interconnection of everything is cultivated, and access to the true nature of reality is gained.

Jordi Ibern

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