The benefits of Reiki

Mujer relajada disfrutando de una taza de té junto al lago
2 de June de 2024

The human body, intrinsically, seeks to maintain its balance and health at all times. This balance is maintained through the satisfaction of basic needs, both physical and psychological. When these needs are not met, signals appear in the form of desires or physical and emotional sensations, such as hunger, thirst, sleep, or the need for contact, which seek to restore internal harmony. Similarly, when the body loses its energetic balance, it manifests different physical and emotional sensations as an indicator of imbalance.

It is in this context that Reiki emerges as a powerful therapeutic practice. During a Reiki session, the individual satisfies their energy needs, allowing the body to attract the vital energy necessary to restore its internal balance from the environment. This connection with the energy of nature facilitates a process of regeneration and biological self-regulation, improving the overall functioning of the organism.

The benefits of Reiki extend beyond the physical realm, also encompassing the emotional and mental planes. During a Reiki session, a deep state of relaxation is commonly experienced, similar to the most restorative phases of sleep. In this state, the body is revitalized, releasing accumulated tensions and regaining vitality.

In addition to relaxation and revitalization, Reiki promotes a sense of unity and fullness, increasing awareness and sensitivity to the environment. This increased sensitivity allows for more prudent decision-making and a deeper understanding of oneself and others. Socially, Reiki fosters greater empathy and mental clarity, as well as better adaptation to changes. Therefore, overall, Reiki is considered a safe and beneficial practice for most people.

Science has supported the therapeutic efficacy of Reiki in various studies, demonstrating its benefits in relieving pain, reducing stress and anxiety, as well as improving quality of life. These scientific findings support the practical experience of those who have experienced the transformative benefits of Reiki in their daily lives.

In summary, Reiki not only provides physical and emotional relief but also promotes a general state of well-being and harmony, allowing body, mind, and spirit to recover and flourish fully.

Jordi Ibern

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