Individual Services

Distance Reiki therapy

Total time: 75 minutes

Discover the benefits of Reiki therapy at a distance (enkaku Reiki).

Distance Reiki sessions have been used since the time of Usui Sensei, the founder of Reiki. Before starting, you will receive a message with instructions to prepare. During the session, you will experience a deep connection from the comfort of your home. Upon completion, we will have a video call, where we will share sensations and answer your questions, ensuring a complete and satisfactory experience. In total, the session lasts about 75 minutes.

For distance Reiki sessions, we use a specific Buddhist and Japanese method from the Shin Shin Kayzen Usui Reiki Ryoho school, founded by Usui Sensei, to transfer Reiki energy to an absent person. Distance Reiki sessions are as effective and relaxing as in-person therapies.

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Distance Reiki therapy